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Debugging Tools For Windows

There are vast number of debugging tools available and Microsoft also provider lots of free tools. Perhaps the most common and important, is not actually a tool but a set of tools called Debugging Tools for Windows ( This collection of tools is freely available as part of Windows Driver Kit (WDK) or Windows SDK. The list of tools that are part of the this package are:

Some of those tools, which have links associated with, are discussed in much more detail in related pages.


WinDbg, which will be more detailed discussed in other pages, is one of the most important tool, if not the most important. As said, it is a debugger for both live and postmortem applications.

It can be started as normal Windows application via Start menu or run from a command line. Running from command line is particularly useful because some option can instantly use when the an application is attached/started or a dump is opened.

WinDbg command line:

Live debug (startup application):

windbg -ee c++ -i <executable path>; -logo <log file name> -n -o -srcpath <application source path> -v -y <symbol path> <application.exe> <application arguments...>

Live debug (for a running application):

windbg -ee c++ -i <executable path> -logo <log file name> -n -o -srcpath <application source path> -v -y <symbol path> -pb -p <PID>


windbg -ee c++ -i <executable path> -logo <log file name> -n -o -srcpath <application source path> -v -y <symbol path> -pb -pn <unique process name>

Postmortem debug:

windbg -ee c++ -i <executable path> -logo <log file name> -n -o -srcpath <application source path> -v -y <symbol path> -z <dump file>

Why are those options suggested?

-ee specifies the type of the language expression supported, in that case C++. It also supports masm, which define the expression used is for Microsoft Assembly.

-logo specifies the output log file. It will create a new file and if file already exists, it will be overwrite. If -loga is used instead and file already exists, output will be appended with new information. The output information is all information that appears in WinDbg screen. It is particularly helpful for postmortem debugging because some command can create lots of information that becomes difficult to track in the screen.

For more details, type windbg -?.

Finally, virtually everything that is applied to this tool is also applied for CDB tool.